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Competition Information


IBelow is everything you need to know about HOSA competition, but if you do have any questions send it to us in the contacts section.

HOSA Competitive Event Guidelines



Not sure what to compete in? Not sure what competition even is? Look no farther than the image to the right. By clicking on it you will be taken to the National HOSA Guidleines List. Here you can find every competitive event available for you to compete in. Every pdf on the link has exact rules, scoring and basic information required to succeed at competition


Sign Ups For Competition


Here at UF we have a great presecnce at the Regioanl and the State level. In oreder for everyone to have a fair shot at advancing to the state competition through regionals we have set up a master google doc that you can add your name too to secure your place as a competitor. This list is first come first serve and as is numbered there are only three applicants allowed per categorey. For Team events this means that three teams are allowed.

Forms Required


In order for you to compete at the Regional State and National Level competitors must fill out the following forms that are linked too at the left in the type writer picture. These pictures are for liability purposes and are required. IF you plan on competing please print out the two pages and turn them in to the officers at office hours so that you can be successfully registered.

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